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The 24th Street main lobby is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This entrance will remain open during the hours of 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday – Friday and will require card access outside of those times.


The 24th Street Entrance will be locked between the hours of 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM on weekdays and all day on weekends. During these hours, Tenants must swipe their access card at the reader next to swing doors on 24th Street for building entry. All guests must be pre-registered for building access.


Upon your move-in, access cards will be issued which provide building entry after hours. 

The following guidelines and rules should be followed for building access cards: 

  1. Should you require additional or replacement cards, please submit a work order in Building Engines. There will be a fee for any replaced access cards.
  2. All employees should be instructed not to lend their card to others and to keep the card in a safe place.
  3. Should an employee be terminated or leave the company and not return their card, please promptly complete a work order with the name of the person and the card number so that we may deactivate the card.
  4. Although the system has a record of card numbers and holders, we strongly recommend that each tenant maintain a record of employee names and card numbers for your files.
  5. Upon move-out, all access cards must be immediately turned in to the Management Office.
  6. All access card requests must be accompanied by a photo. Employees who need an access card may see security in main lobby to take a picture or provide a picture of their own to attach to the work order request.

Your building may be equipped to allow mobile credentials at building access points. Please contact the Property Management Office to inquire about this feature. 



We would like to introduce you to our new mobile building access, SwiftConnect. In addition to your building badge, now there is a faster and easier way to access the building. The new app integration provides employees working at 315 Park Avenue South seamless entry to the building, with a simple tap of their phone.

Please follow the prompts to set up your account. All users should enter as the company domain to initiate the activation of your mobile pass. Please see detailed instructions in the provisioning guides below:
Set-Up Guide for Apple Users
Set-Up Guide for Android Users


Tenants are required to pre-register all visitors to ensure a seamless check-in process. Upon approaching the lobby desk, visitor will be asked to present a photo identification to verify their identity. If a visitor enters the building and is not registered in the visitor management system, Security will call the tenant administrator to enter into the system. This process may delay the visitor access to the building.

Visitors will be issued a temporary visitor pass to allow access through the turnstiles. Visitor passes will expire at the end of the business day. Frequently returning visitors must check in each day with Security for a new visitor pass.

We understand a last-minute or impromptu visit by an individual or group can occur. However, we want to provide your visitors a smooth experience from building entry to exit so that you can focus on what matters. Your advance notification, whether pre-registering your visitors or informing us of particular visits, will help us provide a secure check in process, decrease wait times for your visitors and effectively manage and coordinate as needed with your team.


The building’s visitor management system is operated by Building Engines. The Tenant Administrators or authorized users will need to have a Building Engines account to have access and enter visitors. Please contact the Management Office to authorized account set up. For more information about how to preregister visitors, please refer to the Building Engines – Visitor Access Guide in the Important Forms section or at



Security services at 315 PAS are provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Security officers are present to assist visitors, monitor access, and prevent solicitors from entering the building. The phone number for the lobby desk is 212.254.3060.

Contact Security and/or the Management Office if:

  • An emergency occurs. If the emergency is medical in nature, dial 911. Notify the Management Office and we will direct Security Officers to assist with dedicated elevator service.
  • You observe unusual activity or suspicious people around your floor(s).
  • A crime is committed.

After Hours Emergency Contact Information:

In case of an after-hours emergency, the lobby desk can be reached at 212.254.3060 and the appropriate member of building staff will be alerted.


Tenants electing to add entry-management systems to their space are encouraged to do so, with the input of Property Management. You may choose to utilize a system to interface with that of the building and limit your access card for the building as well as your space. Special arrangements regarding janitorial and emergency access will be required.


While our Security Staff is available to respond to emergencies, their primary function is to protect the building. We cannot be responsible for the security of your property and furnishings. Although the presence of security personnel may deter theft and vandalism, Security Officers do not have the authority to apprehend and arrest suspects.


For your safety, we ask that you review the Security Checklist below and follow our recommended building emergency safety guidelines available at the back of this book. The list may be used as an aid in establishing adequate internal security procedures. 


Security Checklist: The following checklist contains general office security suggestions. While not exhaustive in scope, this checklist may be used as an aid in establishing internal security procedures are adequate.

  • Limit the number of keys issued to your office. Only those people requiring after-hours access should be provided with a key.
  • Keep complete, up-to-date records of the disposition of all office keys.
  • Have adequate procedures for collecting keys, company I.D. cards, and/or Building passes from terminated employees.
  • Establish a rule that keys must not be left on unattended desks or cabinets.
  • Keep a record showing the issuance and return of every key, including the name of person to whom the key is issued and the time and date the key was issued.
  • Provide at least one lockable drawer in a desk to protect purses and other personal effects.
  • Establish a rule that purses and personal property such as cameras should be kept inside employees’ desks.
  • Never leave laptop computers or other portable computer equipment unattended in unlocked areas. Due to the size of such items, their removal from the building can be easily concealed.
  • Instruct employees to remove wallets from jackets hung in closets or on coat racks. Shred all confidential papers before discarding.
  • Insist on identification from repair persons that work in your office.
  • Clear all desks of important papers every night and place them in locked, fireproof safes or cabinets. When working alone in the office at night, set the front door lock to prevent anyone else from entering (excluding janitorial personnel).
  • Keep the police, fire department, and Building Security telephone numbers posted and handy. Double-check to see that all doors are securely locked before you leave.
  • Have an inventory listing all office equipment in your space including serial number and identification. Require written authorization by an authorized person before any office equipment is released for repair or maintenance.
  • For those offices that are equipped with an alarm system or protected by a security alarm service, make sure the alarm equipment is properly set each night.



A property removal pass must be used for the removal of equipment, electronic devices, office materials, including furniture and artwork, or large boxes being removed from the building.

Prior to removing the item(s), the Tenant Administrator must complete a property removal pass through Building Engines. When completing the pass, please provide the name and contact information of the requestor (employee/staff) as well as a complete description of the property to be removed from the building. Please make sure to sign off before issuing the pass to the individual who is removing the material.

The signed pass must be presented to the security officer when item(s) is removed from the building. Security will make every effort to check for a Property Removal Pass; however, it is the tenant’s responsibility to control the use of the passes. Landlord cannot be responsible or liable for any Tenant property that is removed from the building.

For a sample Property Removal Pass, please the Tenant Resources page of our website


315 PAS uses Building Engines as the work order management system to handle all tenant service requests such as freight services, new access cards or engineer assistance. The system is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days week on any computer to provide convenience for all planned activities and last-minute needs. If it is an urgent matter, please directly contact the Management Office so that we may properly and quickly assist you.

Entering a work order only takes a minute. You can also communicate any questions or concerns and upload any documents that you would like to share with the Building Team. If you require a login or would like to set up an individual with a Building Engine account, please contact the Management Office.

To help you navigate this platform, please refer to the Building Engines – Tenant Work Order Guide in the Important Forms section or at


Each Tenant is responsible to designate at least two Tenant Administrators who will have signature authority to authorize certain types of activities on behalf of the Tenant.

Your Tenant Administrators are empowered to determine the following for company: 

  • Authorization for billable repairs or other billable items such as additional cleaning or security
  • Lock changes and/or the ordering of additional keys
  • Authorization for improvement work that is billable to the Tenant
  • Authorization for property removal
  • Persons who should be notified in case of an emergency
  • Persons who will comprise your emergency life-safety team

If there are any changes to your designated Tenant Administrator, please immediately notify the Management Office to ensure that we have up-to-date records and can provide continued access without any disruption. 

All Tenant Administrators will have access to Building Engines, which will make it possible to track service requests; however, feel free to call the Property Management Office for any situations that require immediate attention.



All problems/requests are handled on a priority basis and will be responded to as quickly as possible. For any situations that require our immediate attention, please also contact the Property Management Office. 

Priority Levels: 

  • Priority 3: Immediate concern for safety and integrity of staff and items in your area.
  • Priority 2: Zero concern for safety of staff and some concern for integrity and items and your area.
  • Priority 1: Zero concern for safety of staff or integrity of your area but would like attention of building staff as soon as someone becomes available.

Routine service requests include: 

  • Lock and key requests (must be coordinated by the building)
  • Lighting requests (bulb out....)
  • Plumbing requests
  • Temperature/HVAC requests (too hot or too cold…)
  • Electrical problems
  • Mechanical problems
  • Daytime janitorial “clean-ups”
  • Restroom supply requests
  • Telephone Closet/Electrical Closet Access

lease note, building personnel are not authorized to repair any personal property items including furniture, equipment, etc. The response time for common requests will be responded to as soon as possible but may take up to 24 hours depending on building activities. 


From time-to-time, tenants may require additional services not provided for in their lease agreement. Should you require this type of service, our maintenance staff would be happy to assist you for a fee. Jobs scheduled after normal business hours will be charged at an overtime rate. Please contact the Property Management Office for current pricing for these services. 

Tenants may also require special services including minor remodeling or other construction work. Such alterations require approval by the Property Management Team prior to work commencement. In most cases, the Management Office will elect to coordinate the work with outside vendors to ensure that it does not negatively impact the building electrical or mechanical systems. A written cost quote will be forwarded to the Tenant Administrator for approval prior to the commencement of any such work. Tenants with specific questions regarding alteration work should consult their Lease to familiarize themselves with applicable terms and conditions and contact the Management Office for assistance. 



HVAC services are provided Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, excluding holidays or as stated in your Lease. There is one 40-ton DX unit on each floor, which provides heating and cooling, using an environmentally friendly 410A refrigerant. Space heating is provided by perimeter radiators on the floor.


After-hours HVAC service is available on a floor-by-floor basis for an additional hourly charge. To provide after-hours HVAC services, engineering labor must be scheduled in advance. To make sure that an engineer is available to provide requested services, please submit your request through Building Engines at least 48 hours in advance to the Management Office. 



Personal heaters are not allowed in the building. Their use will cause power outages and the tripping of breakers. If a tenant causes a power outage due to the use of personal heaters, all necessary labor, parts, and materials to reset breakers and restore power will be charged to the tenant.


Indoor environmental quality is a critical component of healthy buildings. Numerous studies have confirmed the effect of the indoor environment on the health and productivity of building occupants. Ventilation, thermal comfort, air quality, and access to daylight and views are all factors which play a role in determining indoor environmental quality.

The building’s base systems, building common areas, and individual elevator cabs have been equipped with the latest bipolar ionization (BPI) technology. BPI is an air purification system that restores clean air to indoor space by safely emitting both positively and negatively charged particulates that attach to and deactivate harmful substances like bacteria, allergens, smoke, mold, and viruses. 


We regularly test the IAQ of your building to ensure our efforts are achieving an optimal indoor environmental quality for you and your team. For more information on your building’s IAQ, please contact your Property Management Team.



Common areas are maintained by the Building Janitorial team. Night cleaning is provided as per the scope of work defined in your company’s Lease. Additional porter services are available on request. Invoices for additional service will be sent to your firm following the date of service based upon the current rates.


Cleaning service is provided five days per week, on business days,in accordance with the terms outlined in the Lease Agreement. Additional cleaning to building standard cleaning (i.e., cleaning partitions, glass, shampooing carpet, removal of excess trash, exterminating etc.) can be performed at an additional cost.

Desks and other horizontal surfaces that are cleared off will be dusted or damp wiped. The cleaning service will not move any items on horizontal surfaces and will dust/damp wipe around these objects.


The cleaning staff will remove normal office trash each cleaning night. Periodic or excessive trash (i.e., computer room or spring cleaning) can be arranged through a Building Engines request or the tenant can have services performed by an approved carting service provider depending on the amount and/or type of waste.

Trash liners are only provided in wet trash areas such as kitchen or coffee areas.


All tenant requests for bins must be completed via Building Engines. For the removal of large amounts of paper, cardboard and any other paper related recyclables, please request a large trash bin.   



For the removal of furniture, metal or any other large items, please enter a Building Engines request for a large trash bin. The appropriate charge will be applied and is dependent on the size or number of items being discarded.

Please note that all discarded items will be carted away in a bin, even if a bin is not requested. If you would like to know the appropriate charge that will be applied before submitting a Building Engines request, please send a description of the item(s) including any pertinent details. After which, the process described above will begin.

The building has contracted with Metropolitan Building Services. Contacts for additional service contracts are below:

Julianne Braga
Executive Vice President
P 646.341.9830

Kyle Bunce
Director of Sale
P 646.341.9825


Columbia Property Trust has a green cleaning policy and plan in place focused on reducing the overall impact of cleaning on health and the environment through a variety of measures, including the use of low-environmental impact cleaning products. For details, please see “Our Green Cleaning Policy” in this Handbook under “Sustainability, Energy Conservation, and Green Services.”



In February 2016, the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) issued updated guidance for the waste law regarding waste and recycling in commercial buildings. The guidance went into effect on August 1, 2016, and fines for non-compliance may be issued after August 1, 2017, to building owners, tenants and waste carters. The goal of the new waste law is to increase recycling in commercial buildings. Additional requirements for organics recycling apply to arenas/stadiums, food manufacturers, food wholesalers, and food services in hotels above a certain size.

315 PAS is designated as a "Single-Stream" Recycler. Learn more at


For all electronics needing to be removed including light bulbs, computer waste, printers, etc., tenant has the option to use your own e-waste provider or contact the Building Management Office to schedule a pick- up provided by our e-waste vendor at an additional cost to the tenant.

The following table provides a general idea of equipment acceptable for e-recycling: 

Computers and Peripherals:

  • Desktop PCs/Servers
  • Monitors (Flat Screen and CRT)
  • Computer Mice
  • Cables & Accessories
  • Laptops
  • Hard Drives
  • Computer Power Supplies
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Gaming Devices
  • Keyboards
  • Network Devices
  • Circuit Boards/Cards
  • Media Speakers

Office and Telecomm Equipment:

  • Copiers
  • Fax Machines
  • Video & Audio Equipment
  • PBX Systems
  • Projection Equipment
  • Printers
  • Plotters
  • Security Equipment
  • Receivers & Transmitters

Mobile Devices:

  • Cell Phones/Smartphones
  • Tablets
    Personal Digital Assistants
  • Gaming Devices
  • MP3 Players
  • Cameras

Data Center Equipment:

  • Servers Storage Arrays
  • Network Related Equipment Power
  • Distribution Units
  • Routers & Switches
  • Cabling Switchgear
  • Panelboard
  • Mainframe Computer
  • Equipment Motor
  • Generator Sets
  • Server Racks

Cable Equipment:

  • Cable Boxes (analog, digital, satellite)

Laboratory & Medical Equipment:

  • Anesthesia Units
  • Defibrillators
  • IV Pumps
  • Spectrometers
  • Ultrasound Equipment


315 PAS manages indoor pests in a way that protects human health and the surrounding environment by adhering to the principles of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. IPM is a sustainable, science-based, decision-making process that considers the life cycles of pests and the environments in which they thrive to control pest damage with minimal harm to people and the environment. IPM includes preventative measures to avoid the need for extermination while using safe, environmentally friendly pest control practices. Below are a few tips to help do your part: 


  • Do not keep open, unsealed food in desks or file cabinets.
  • Clean up crumbs or spilled drinks — even a few crumbs or a small spill can attract unwanted pests.
  • Do not over-water plants.
  • Rinse and dry recyclables before placing in bins.
  • Keep work areas neat and organized.
  • If you do see a pest, call the Property Management Office promptly.


The building is equipped with 9 passenger elevators. Passenger elevators are for the exclusive use of people. Carts, dollies, hand trucks, large packages, etc. are not permitted on passenger elevators and must be transported via the freight elevator.


The nine (9) passenger elevators are configured with a Schindler destination-based dispatching systems that eliminate the need for car buttons by assigning a specific elevator via keypad selection of a destination floor at the vestibules.

PAS (Bank Y)

Type: Passenger
Cabs: 6 (Letters A-F)
Floors Serviced: (1-20)

24th Street (Bank Y)

Type: Passenger
Cabs: 3 (Letters H-J)
Floors Serviced: (1-20)

24th Street (Bank Z)

Type: Freight
Cabs: 1 (Letter G)
Floors Serviced: B-20


The loading facility entrance is located at 100 East 24th Street. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM except for union holidays. The freight can only be operated by a Building elevator operator unless specified by the Management Office. Passenger elevators cannot be used to carry freight.


Freight elevator usage is on a “first come, first served” basis.

All deliveries must enter the building through the freight elevator only with proper insurance certificates provided prior to the move or delivery as needed (exceptions will be made for mail carriers, grocery deliveries and food deliveries). NO FREIGHT, HAND TRUCKS, CARTS, or LARGE BOXES are to be brought into the lobby.

Hatch Openings: No elevator hatches are permitted to be open for any reason during operation of the elevator unless a Building’s contracted elevator mechanic is present. A hatch opening must be arranged through the Management Office at least five (5) days in advance and will be billed to the Tenant as an additional charge. Freight car dimensions are 76” deep, 82” wide and 91” high.


All passenger and freight elevators are professionally maintained and are inspected regularly to ensure proper operation and safety.  Should you encounter any irregularity or interruption in the operation of the elevators, please note the car number and notify building security or the property management office immediately.

If you become trapped in an elevator – 

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Use the car emergency call button, intercom or telephone to contact building or emergency personnel.
  3. Please be prepared to provide the car number and location of the car if it is known.
  4. Never attempt to force the elevator doors or exit the elevator yourself and never accept the help of anyone except building personnel, elevator company personnel or emergency responders to exit the car. Doing so can be highly dangerous and may result in serious injury.  Wait for help to arrive.

If Electrical Service Is Interrupted: 

If normal electrical service to the building is interrupted, elevator lights will blink, and elevators will stop temporarily. They will then automatically return to the lobby level one-by-one and open doors for you.


For your protection, all stairwells are considered emergency exits and are always locked from the stairwell side. If you enter the stairwell, you will be unable to access the floors of the building. The only exit will be at the bottom of the stairs. It is imperative that the stairway doors are not propped open or blocked. Only during specific fire emergencies, the stairwells will automatically unlock to allow fire department personnel to travel through the building.




All rental payments including base rent, utilities, Operating Expense (OPEX) and Real Estate Tax are due on the first day of the month and may be subject to late fees or penalties if they become past due. Please refer to your Lease Agreement to obtain the correct rent payment amount. OPEX projections will be sent to you in writing at the beginning of each year. In addition, utilities are to be paid in full upon receipt of the statement of charges. If you have a question about your outstanding balance, including a pro-rated tenancy period, the Management Office will be happy to assist you.

The following is a list of tenant services that is considered as “additional rent” and billable to the Tenant:


  • Engineer
  • Engineer OT
  • Porter
  • Porter OT
  • Freight Service OT
  • Freight ServiceWeekend (4hr min.)

Rubbish Removal:

  • 1/2-yard container
  • 64 GallonToter
  • E-Waste / Furniture


  • Access Card Replacement
  • Security Officer
  • Security Officer OT
  • Fire Watch Guard
  • Fire Safety Director

After Hour HVAC


  • Locksmith
  • Materials (e.g.,Filters, Lightbulbs, etc.)

Please note that the “additional rent” may also include sub-meter electric and condenser water charges in accordance with your lease.

We encourage electronic payments; however, checks are accepted as well. Please make all payments payable to Landlord:

Columbia REIT – 315 Park Avenue South
P.O. Box 28972
New York, NY 10087

For more information on payment instructions or to discuss payment options, please contact the Management Office.

NOTE: If we make changes to our rent and/or additional rent payment instructions, we will directly notify you of such changes. Please do not accept any changes to payment instructions without speaking directly to Property Management.

Copyright 2025 by Columbia Property Trust.